The Tri-City Mental Health Authority's (TCMHA) Mental Health Commission (MHC) is a state mandated advisory body comprised of community members and consumers who are committed to the effective and consumer-sensitive delivery of behavioral health services. It is established by provisions of the Short-Doyle Act, originally known as the Community Mental Health Services Act; is specified in Sections 5604 et seq. of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); governed by the Mental Health Commission By-Laws; and must comply with WIC Sections 54950-54963 and be subject to the provisions of Chapter 9 of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code known as the Ralph M. Brown Act (Brown Act).
Commissioners must reside or work within the TCMHA catchment area Pomona, Claremont or La Verne, serve on a volunteer basis, and are appointed by the Governing Board. One representative from the Governing Board also serves as a sitting Commission member.
Role of the Mental Health Commission
The MHC is an advisory body to TCMHA Governing Board, and it has no policy or budget authority. The MHC role is to assure citizen and professional Involvement; review and advise on Behavioral Health Services Act Three-Year Plans, Annual Updates and Innovations Plans; and conduct Public Hearings on Integrated Plans.
Mental Health Commission Duties
Section 5604.2 and 5963.03 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code defines certain duties for the MHC:
- Review and evaluate the community's public behavioral health needs, services, facilities, and special problems where behavioral health or substance use disorder evaluations or services are being provided.
- Review any county agreements entered into pursuant to Section 5650; and make recommendations to the Governing Board regarding concerns identified within these agreements.
- Advise the TCMHA Governing Board and the Executive Director as to any aspects of the local behavioral health program.
- Review and approve the procedures used to ensure citizen and professional involvement at all stages of the planning process.
- Submit an annual report to the Governing Board on the needs and performance of TCMHA behavioral health system.
- Review and make recommendations on applicants for the appointment of the Executive Director of behavioral health services.
- Review and comment on the TCMHA's performance outcome data and communicate its findings to the California Behavioral Health Planning Council
- Conduct a public hearing on the draft integrated plan and annual updates at the close of the 30-day public comment period.
General Commissioner Qualifications
- Demonstrate interest in community behavioral health services.
- Ready to commit to Commission duties, including preparation for and regular attendance at monthly Commission meetings, timely review of meeting materials and completion of Commission paperwork and training.
- Willing and able to work alongside behavioral health consumers and members of diverse communities.
- Able to constructively handle conflict and differences of opinion.
- Willing and able to work with TCMHA staff and Governing Board.
Membership Application for Mental Health Commission
The Mental Health Commission Membership Application is available on this page or in-print at the TCMHA Administration Office located at 1717 N. Indian Hill Boulevard, Suite B, Claremont, California 91711 (Monday - Thursday from 8 AM–4 PM). Interested persons should apply by March 31, 2025. For further information, please contact Mica Olmos, JPA Administrator/Clerk, at (909) 451-6421 or