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Innovation Projects aim to foster learning and improvement. They are funded through the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and administered locally through Tri-City Mental Health. Innovation projects introduce new and creative mental health approaches that are designed to be learned from. Each project jas a set duration, and are carefully evaluated. They offer a chance to explore new and innovative solutions that could enhance mental health services in communities, now and in the future. Across California, these projects allow counties to experiment with new, untested mental health approaches and adapt existing ones, with the goal of establishing effective best practices for tomorrow.

For more details about Innovation project requirements and regulations, please visit the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) Innovation Incubator page. 

Do you have an Innovation Project Idea?

Your voice matters in shaping the future of mental health innovation! Participate in our Innovation Idea Survey to share your insight and ideas for new projects under the MHSA Innovation component. Your input will help us create effective solutions that can help improve access and quality of care for people in our community. Together, we can develop and test cutting-edge innovative mental health priojects that may become future best practices. Share your insights today and help us build a brighter future for mental health care and support in our community—take the survey today!

Current Innovation Projects

Tri-City Mental Health has two MHSA Innovation projects. Please check our calendar for upcoming Innovation workshops, meetings and project activities. 

1. Community Planning Process for Innovation Project(s)

FY 2023-24 to FY 2025-26

This proposal seeks approval to utilize Innovation funds in the amount of $675,000 over three years to develop a robust and effective strategic community planning process and related activities resulting in future Innovation plans that are calculated, meaningful, and effective. This three-year project is expected to commence in FY 2023-24, pending approval from the MHSOAC, and conclude in FY 2025-26. This draft project is posted for a 30-day public review and comment period from August 11, 2023 to September 12, 2023.


Community Planning Process Documents

MHSA INN Plan: Community Planning Process for Innovation Project(s) 
Plan de MHSA INN: Proceso de Planificación Comunitario para Proyecto (s) de Innovación 

2. Multi-County Collaborative Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs)

Tri-City’s Innovation Project, Multi-County Collaborative Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs), was posted for a 30-day public review and comment period from March 11, 2022 to April 12, 2022, and was approved by the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC). 

This three-year project is the product of four months of community workgroup discussions which incorporated the results of Tri-City’s Community Planning Survey and new Innovation Idea Survey. Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs) are used to support treatment decisions for people who may not be able to consent to or participate in treatment decisions because of a mental health condition. A psychiatric advance directive allows a person’s wishes and priorities to inform mental health treatment.

For additional information, visit the PADs CA website.


Past Innovation Projects

MHSA Innovation Plan - Proposed Projects (Amended)
Innovation Work Plan
MHSA Innovation Project Evaluation Reports: