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The Workforce Education and Training (WET) program was created through funding from the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). The WET program is focused on improving the effectiveness of people currently providing support and services in the Tri-City area as well as preparing the community for careers in mental health. Clinical and non-clinical staff, family, community caregivers and volunteers are the primary recipients of the education and training offered through the WET Plan. Listed below are the main components of the WET Plan:

          • Developing the volunteer workforce
          • Connecting with college students that are interested in volunteering/careers in mental health
          • Engaging volunteers and future employees
          • Connecting with high school students that are interested in volunteering/careers in mental health
          • Staff training and support
          • Staff development

WET staff are implementing these actions and more to bring awareness to the Mental Health System as well as provide staff, volunteers, and community caregivers the resources and tools to do their jobs more effectively.

If you are interested in volunteering at Tri-City, please view our Service-Learning program.


Workforced Education & Training (WET) Plan

Workforce Education and Training Plan
Workforce Education and Training Executive Summary