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TCMHA Executive Team


Tri-City Mental Health was established in 1960 through ahistory Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Agreement between the cities of Claremont, La Verne, and Pomona, to deliver mental health services to the residents of the three cities. Through this collaborative effort, Tri-City has been the designated mental health authority for local residents, serving children, youth, adults and older adults alike.

Tri-City understands the needs of consumers and their families and acknowledge their strengths and ability to contribute to the development of their path to recovery. We are committed to providing the highest quality and culturally inclusive behavioral health care treatment, prevention and education to help individuals maintain and improve their mental health.


Since 1960, Tri-City Mental Health has been the mental health authority and primary provider of outpatient services for the residents of Pomona, La Verne and Claremont. Tri-City remains a steadfast community partner, supporting and sustaining an integrated system of care for individuals experiencing mental health conditions and their families. In the spirit of collaboration and accountability, Tri-CIty has developed a set of core values that reflect this committment and provides the guidance necessary to meet the needs of the individuals and communities we serve. 

Person and Family Centered

Tri-City is dedicated to creating a safe and comprehensive approach to care, where individuals and their family members can access a full range ot mental health services available through multi-program options based on each person's preferences and goals for recovery.

Recovery Focused

By embracing the belief that recovery is possible, Tri-City staff encourages individuals to identify and build upoin their own strengths and abilities as they work to achieve their goals. By demonstrating a strong integrated approach to service, clients and family members are provided access to multiple levels of treatment and support through a collaborative system of care.

Culturally Responsive

By improving the accessibility of mental health programs for unserved and underserved communities and the diversity represented by quality staff, Tri-City's approach is instrumental in overcoming cultural and economic barriers to service by respecting the values and beliefs embedded in each individual we serve.

Quality Based

Through a commitment to excellence in hiring practices and workforce enrichment, Tri-City staff continues to provide the highest quality care that is evidence-based, research-focused, trauma-informed and client-driven. Tri-City staff are valued and supported in a quality work environment that focuses on the mental health needs of our clients and the professional capacity of our employees.

Community Guided

Through engagement and collaboration, Tri-City strives to strengthen relationships with people receiving services, their family members and local partners by evaluating and continuing to transform our integrated system of care. By systematically addressing stigma and community wellness, Tri-City is committed to providing educational opportunities and trainings in an effort to support this transformation.

Accountability Driven

Tri-City remains committed to the continuing and evolving needs of the community and the people we service by practicing financial stewardship and accountability for the funding and resources entrusted to us. Beginning with an internal commitment to excellence, Tri-City employees are offered a unique opportunity to serve with one of the leading agencies in community mental health.