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#Eachofus can recognize, educate and reduce mental health stigma. Green Ribbon Week March 15-21,2021.


Green Ribbon Week 2021 (March 15th-21th) will mark the 7th annual recognition of Tri-City's commitment to end mental health stigma. As part of the Tri-City stigma reduction campaign, Room4Everyone, Green Ribbon Week was created to help people have everyday conversations about mental health and the stigma surrounding it. Stigma is one of the main reasons people don’t ask for help and don’t know where to access support. As many as 1 in 4 people have a mental health condition, yet nearly 60% don’t receive the help they need. The more we talk about mental health conditions, the more people will feel safe asking for help.

This year has placed a vital emphasis on the power conversation can have to save lives.The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a profound and pervasive impact on people’s mental health across our community, especially individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions, people recovering from the coronavirus infection and their families. More people than ever before are reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 40% of US adults report considerably elevated adverse mental health symptoms associated with COVID-19, including anxiety, fear, distress and isolation. Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation are also increasing for people of all races and ethnicities (2021 State of Mental Health in America, Mental Health America).

The Green Ribbon is used as a recognizable national symbol for mental health awareness. It is a chance to have open, honest and casual conversations in response to the question, “What is your green ribbon for?". This year's theme is #EachofUs. We believe that Each of Us can can play a part to recognize, educate and reduce mental health stigma.

Here are simple ways you can show your mental health support during Green Ribbon Week 2021.

Start the Conversation

Over 5,000 green ribbons are distributed annually throughout the community during Green Ribbon Week. With respect to social distancing and COVID-19 prevention guidelines, green ribbon is going virtual! Show your mental health support by using the Green Ribbon Weeek virtual zoom background, and share it with your friends and family. We also invite you to join our social media challenge and use #EachOfUs to follow the conversation.

03 15 21 GRW Zoom Background

Get Involved

Throughout this week, Tri-City Mental Health is hosting virtual webinars, events and social media challenge to support mental health awarenness.

We also encourage our community to eat local. Eateries have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, we are highlighting local food and drink establishments who have supported past Green Ribbon Weeks. Enjoy your favorite spot or discover something new!

Get Informed

Visit our Stigma Reduction page to learn more about Room4Everyone and how to join the mental health movement.

Share Your Story

Become a Courageous Minds Speaker and share your personal story. Our Speakers Bureau exists to inspire hope and increase compassion and mental health awareness in our communities.

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